Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Course Comments

Greenacres Golf Club is interested in knowing your thoughts on the the course.


  1. Old Forum Comment - Dated: 2007

    The greens are terrible at the minute !!!

  2. Simon Humphrys9 Dec 2009, 23:04:00

    Old Forum Comment - Dated: 2007

    I thought the course was in great condition throughout the summer, the greens were probably the best i played on all year, but the tee boxes are in poor condition, they are very uneven. We should not have played of the 11th this year at all so that it would have had time to bed in. The tee markers should be moved more around the tee box to prevent wear and tear and we should have divot boxes on every par 3 so we can replace the divots.

  3. Old Forum Comment - Dated: 2008

    Should we not have marked out drop zones at the water hazards?

  4. Old Forum Comment - Dated 2008

    Great idea getting the hole layout maps at each tee box but I think the club should be asking for the money back for these. The pictures on these maps in no way resemble the actual hole in front of you and do not help in planning your shots at all. It is almost as if the designer was looking at a different course altogether. Everything about these pictures is inaccurate - bunker locations, trees, general length the hole looks etc etc. I was recently at Knock GC and noticed their course/hole maps are spot on and provide distances etc. Maybe Greenacres got these done cheap?

  5. Old Forum Comment - Dated 2008

    On Sunday last,I with others had entered the competition (SUNDAY S'FORD). On commencement of the round the greenkeeper had started at GREEN NO 1. He then proceeded to do the greens on an ad hoc basis, making it impossible to get any type of consistencey in your putting. By the time we had finished the round at approx 10.30 several greens had still not been either cut or swished. Also a wee bit of TLC around the bunkers, edges ,compacting of sand etc, would smarten the course just a bit.If you are trying to encourage visitors and place us firmly on the map, this would help greatly. But in all the groundstaff have down a stirling job and the course is a credit to them, just the finishing touches to add to everyone's enjoyment.

  6. Old Forum Comment - Dated 2008

    Hi there Having recently become a member along with two friends i must say we have thoroughly enjoyed the golf course. Even though the course is relatively young as golf courses go, it is playing very well indeed. Congratulations to all for their hard work over the winter.As a suggestion maybe a few more benches on the tee boxes especially if there's a bit of a wait it's nice to get the old feet rested now and again.Thanks Norman

  7. Old Forum Comment - Dated 2008

    I would like to say that the course has stood up well to all the rain there has been during the last Month. Stephen and his men have done a grand job ! While the majority of courses havr either been closed or holes reduced, we have been playing on, with the greens playing really well. Thanks..

  8. Richard Gormley9 Dec 2009, 23:30:00

    Old Forum Comment - Dated 2008

    joined the club this year and have thoroughly enjoyed things and been made to feel very welcome. Thanks everyone. Recently i have heard a lot of people talk about the amount of pitch marks etc etc on the greens. I recently played Allen Park and on every green there was a small flag below the main hole flag which simply ssaid, please repair pitch marks. For a small cost this could be done at the course and would act as 18 reminders as well as the numerous signs around the club house to repair pitch marks... it may help a little bit? just a thought. am sure this would not cost too much to sort out?

  9. Old Forum Comment - Dated 2009

    just talkin about the pitches marks on the greens the last few nights ive been out practicing ive adleast fixed 10 pitch markes a gree in a 5 yard radious around the pin its not hard to fix them but what i wud lyk to consider in the winter would be every group that goes out will be given a green to do a certain number of pitch markers! ino other clubs will be doing this over the winter e.g.. hilton, . the greens are damaged alot more in the winter than in the summer obv so first 9 groups that go out in the moring wud be given 9 holes between them e.g four pitches marks for each golfer i fink this will do a hell of a lot of diffence to the condition of the greens and putting in general!!

  10. Could someone at the club please look at putting a bell on the 5th, 10th & 14th holes so that second shots can be played in safety? These are blind tee shoots and very dangerous if the group in front cannot be seen.

    1. Very true! Would very much like to see this in place as I've had a couple of hairy moments on both sides of the coin on this one!

  11. Would it be possible to get the bush removed that is growing out of the edge of the lake directly in front of the 18th green? I think this ugly bush takes the look off the hole and sometimes obscures your view of the hole. I don't see any benefit in letting it grow any more.

  12. I have recently joined as a member and was wondering what the situation is with regards to lockers. All the lockers seem to be taken and I was wondering is there a waiting list for them.

  13. There is a waiting list, please contact the Golf Cente reception for further information.

  14. How are the tee-times decided? I am currently a member and see the earliest available for the summer is way after 2pm. Why should my membership be any different than others and is this not an antiquated way of booking tee times? Most clubs use an on-line system to ensure all the members get a fair crack at the tee times? I am currently looking at maybe joining another club.

  15. The Draft Summer Start Sheet is based on the master start sheet at the end of the previous summer competitions and we have found our approach suits the majority of members. Without a start sheet in operation a large number of members would turn up for the most popular slots between 9am and 11am.

    As a club we are aware this means the only available tee-time are in the afternoon and this doesn't necessarily suit every member. This is why we have a rule in place that requires members unable to play in a Saturday competition to remove their name from the start sheet before 5:30pm on Friday. Giving members who would like a different tee-time the opportunity to take up an earlier/later slot.

    As the Golf Club only operate a start sheet for a Saturday competition and not every member has internet access, this is the reason why we have not enable the internet booking on the computer system.

  16. Glenn

    I would agree your comments posted on the 28th September 2010 should have at least been acknowledged long before today, although I would disagree that the Club and committee 'don't really give a monkey's' about their members.

    This Forum was created for members to post comments about all aspects of the club and it uses a Google Application called Blogger. You will notice from the web address that is not part of the main Golf Club website which means that I am not constantly updating it. The only interaction I have with it is when a comment is posted. At that time I get an email confirmation to moderate the comment it before it is published and if I can respond on behalf of the Golf Club without consultation with the other members of the Council/Committee I will do so as soon as I can. If I feel the comment requires additional input I will take the details to the relevant committee and respond accordingly. After publishing your comments on the 30th September I should have acknowledged your comments but failed to do so.

    In this instance a Match & Handicap meeting had been held on the 23rd September, 5 days before your comments were posted and the next meeting was not held until the 16th November. By this stage the Winter League was already in progress and the committee met with the specific agenda of completing the annual handicap review, so the Winter League was not discussed. Had it been you comments would have been addressed and reply posted on the Forum.

    I can assure you that the Council and Committee's do activity listen to members comments no matter which method they are submitted and would encourage you to continue to use this forum. I can also assure you that the format for next years Winter League will be reviewed, especially after the particularly bad weather which has resulted in half of the scheduled weeks being lost already.


  17. i have played greenacres about 5 times this year my clubs are ruined there is heavy grit everywhere even on the mats i think the place is a mess allen park is in better nick the greens are so uneven as are the tee boxes the course is not worth the money.

  18. Please take the stones out of the bunkers, ive damaged both lob and sand wedge hitting stones. Bunkers are littered with them!

  19. love greenacres. has to be the best course ever
